'The Sound of Music' for Self-Expression

We don't have to sing to use music as a form of self-expression. Just listening to music you enjoy is a form of self-expression as well.

Music has the ability to transport us in a way no other activity does.
When was the last time you listened to some music that you really enjoy?Unknown Object

Music Therapy has been a proven depression recovery strategy.
What is your favorite way to enjoy music?

While driving the car?Do you like to have music going in the background when you are working?

How about turning on some special music and simply lying down and listening to it?

I use music a lot when I travel. I don't like travelling so I have a lot of music, my kind of music on my phone. If I am in the car I will sometimes lie down by myself, put my earphones on and lose myself in my favourite music. For awhile I am lost in the music and forget that I am far from home and stuck in a fast moving car for hours. Or in an airport waiting for a flight, to keep myself from getting stressed by the crowds, the discomfort, the different food, just all of the things that go along with travelling, I lose myself in my music. It helps. For awhile it is a great depression getaway.

Next time we are going to talk about cooking as a form of self-expression. Golly, I could go on and on about that. I am hungry just thinking about it!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today?Are you taking the self-expression challenge? Have you tried PRAYER, ART, COLOURING or MUSIC? What is your favorite so far? Is it beneficial?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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