What are You Looking At?

What do you watch when you are too tired or too depressed to do anything else?

Do you watch stuff that is encouraging, uplifting, and positive?

Or do watch stuff that is negative, insulting, violent, and outrageous?

Do you look at people and images on the TV or in movies that make you envious and even more depressed?

Are you careful about what you look at?
What are you looking at?

Recently on one of my days when I was too tired to participate in life, I was thrilled to find this movie 'Return to Me'. Have you seen it?

It is delightful. No violence, no sex but a great story. The characters were charming and believable but not so outlandishly gorgeous that you could not identify with them. And it had a happy ending!

These kinds of movies are rare and so when I find one I like to tell everybody about it!

It helps to be careful about what you watch whether you have depression or not. But it is even more important when you do have any kind of mood disorder. What you watch can have a powerful effect on you.

It would be beneficial to choose carefully and watch stuff that may uplift your mood, not make it worse.

HOW ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you careful about what you watch? Depression is a battle of the mind. Are you feeding your mind good stuff or awful stuff? Are you making your depression worse by what you watch?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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