Warning! Depression 'Cures' may be Co$tly

There is some controversy these days about the effectiveness of antidepressants.

That controversy has opened the door to alternative treatments for depression.

But please be warned, these might be schemes, which although well researched and valid to some extent, may cost you more that the result, if any, is worth.Unknown Object

Yes, there are alternatives to medication presented by well-meaning sales people. That's right, sales people.

In our desperation to find relief, we risk being drawn into these schemes in the genuine hope of some relief.

Some of these schemes will make you question the value of your medications.

It is not always bad to review your meds and decide, with the help of a good doctor, which ones have value for you and which ones don't. But be cautious if one of these programs tells you that you should be medication free.

You might get a few useful ideas from these programs, but none of them will make all of the difference as their promises might suggest.

These schemes make me think of a celebrity a few years ago who has an autistic son. She went public suggesting that autism might have been caused by inoculations. As a result a lot of parents of autistic children abandoned the recommended inoculations. I don't have the results of that, but I imagine those parents of autism were so desperate they would try anything even if the advice came from a non-expert.

The only thing that can make all the difference is YOU and your willingness to try several different kinds of strategies from diet and exercise to changing your friends and social habits.

When you see a program offering something like this, doesn't that look a little suspicious? I mean is it worth $315 or is it worth $17? And did the first customers who bought it pay $315? Did they get ripped off?

Regular Price $315
Today it is Yours For Just $17!

For some these strategies will include medication, for some they will not.

But just as yes, medications can be ineffective for some, it does not mean that they will be ineffective for all. It is up to you, not up to someone else's scheme to discover what works and what doesn't.

I tried one of these schemes. It was harmless enough (I didn't ingest anything!) It probably had some value for some people but had no value for me. I am not going to tell you which one it was, although I haven't been able to find it on the internet anymore so that may tell me something. When I attempted to get money back from the creator I had no success. There was not a 'money back guarantee' so that should have been my first clue. 

The program was designed for bipolar disorder, a complicated and sometimes fatal illness. The man in charge suggested that we bipolars should go off of medications and just flow with the moods, getting as much out of these moods as we can. This was a pretty extreme recommendation. Then the program kept saying that they would tell you just how to do this in the next lesson but that is where it fell short. The part of the lessons that took up the most room was the explanation of his theory. The practical part was brief and poorly written.

The thing is that when we are depressed, we are desperate and sometimes irrational and often unable to make good judgments.
Spending your money with no results is depressing too.

Thankfully, there is a lot of free information on the internet without payment for a special 'program'.You can pick and choose which strategies suit your particular condition and which do not.

I know a 'program' looks easy, compact, one-stop shopping for depression but no program is that.

Just please be warned!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you ever been tempted to try one of these schemes? Was it successful? Was it worth the money?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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