What do Bullying and Depression have in Common?

"Well that's obvious" you might say. "I mean anyone who was bullied is bound to get depressed."

True, that is probably true.

Both BULLYING and DEPRESSION have gotten a lot of media attention over the last few years.

Famous people are coming forward and saying that they have been he victim of bullying and/or have suffered from depression.
Bullying as well is being spoken of publicly on social media and celebrities have shared their stories.

But has it made a difference?

They say that 'knowledge is power' but has this kind of knowledge made a difference?

Is there less depression as a result? Is there less bullying as a result?

I don't have the statistics on this but my guess is 'no'.

It's still up to each of us to face our situation and get the help we need and I know that's not always easy when you're feeling powerless.

But does it help to have these important topics discussed publicly? It sure does! Here's how it helps:

1. It sheds light on these topics brings them out of the dark.
2. It gives them a voice.
3. It challenges the stigma associated with depression and bullying.
4. It encourages those that feel victims of depression or bullying to speak up.
5. It gives each of us hope.
6. It gives us comfort to know that we are not the only ones, that we are not just imaging the whole thing or making a big deal out of nothing.

When an athlete like Terry Bradshaw says that he has had depression, well, it makes us think that if a big strong guy like that can admit to depression then so can I. If a big strong guy like that, rich and famous too, falls into a depressive state then I guess depression is real and it doesn't just affect little old folk like me.

If someone beautiful and rich and famous and successful like Catherine Zeta-Jones admits she has bipolar II disorder, doesn't it make it just a little more real and a little less secret?

When we are depressed we have voices inside our heads that say things that a bully might say to you, as shown in the picture above. "You are stupid, you are useless, no one likes you...."

Another commonality of bullying and depression is that they can make you feel powerless, victimized, and worthless. They can make you feel that life is hopeless and you are hopeless and nothing will ever change.

But it is not hopeless and I'm going to chat with you next time about how to feel less like a victim and more like a victor!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you experienced bullying? Do you believe that has contributed to your depression? Would you like to stop feeling like a victim?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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