'Bipolar Disorder' or 'Quick Change Artist?'

Bipolar Disorder has a lot in common with a 'quick change artist'.

Just for fun, here is a YouTube of a Quick Change Artist at work:

Have you ever had an experience where everything is going along just fine? You are on top of the world, totally in control. You feel as though you could do anything and then it all changes in a moment.

Unknown Object
That is what is happening here to my granddaughter as she attempts to explain something to her brother.

Frame 1 "Now let me show you how this works, because I'm the big sister and I know everything."
Frame 2 "So do you understand? Do you see what I am telling you?"
Frame 3 "That's right, now you try it."
Frame 4 "What have you done? That's not what's supposed to happen!"

Biplar Disorder is kind of like this. It can all change in a minute! 
You are feeling really good, and then you are not! NO WARNING!

It's a tough way to live and it describes my life. I am bipolar. I did a series called 'Bipolar Boot Camp' awhile back which will give you some insight into the distinctive characteristics of this particular mental disorder.

What a lot of people don't realize about Bipolar is that the most frequently experienced mood is still depression.

The difference is in the treatment.

It takes a long time for many people suffering from depression to get a bipolar diagnosis. The reasons are complicated.

That is why I am doing this new series called 'Could you be Bipolar?'

Next time we will talk about some good  resources for Bipolar Disorder.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you satisfied that you have the right diagnosis?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression. Even bipolar depression.

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