"Chin Up!" It Really Works!

"Chin up!"

I love looking up the origins of old expressions. 

For instance 'bring him down a few pegs' means to literally bring someone down from their lofty attitude. But where do the pegs come in? There are several possibilities but I like the one I heard. 

Pubs used to hang the beer steins on pegs. Each person had their own personal mug. The higher the peg the higher your rank in the community. If you had fallen from favour your mug would be 'brought down a few pegs'.

Unknown Object
But today's expression is 'chin up' which refers to simply trying to improve your mood by keeping your chin up, rather than sulking and pouting with your chin down. 

I am not suggesting that keeping your 'chin up' is simple solution to depression. But it could be a nice little depression getaway. Instead of using 'chin up' as an attiude change however, I am recommending it today as a posture change.

I am a walker. Often, without realizing it I find myself walking with my chin down, looking at the ground, deep in thought, often negative worrisome thoughts. Now in Ontario, Canada where I live, it is more natural to have your chin down because we have so many months of cold weather. Often you need to pull your hood over your head and bury your chin in your coat to keep warm. And if it is snowing you can't keep your chin up or the snow will fly in your face!

Every so once in awhile, however I catch myself with my chin down and I bring my chin up. Not only is my chin up but somehow my posture naturally improves too. And then I notice what is all around me that I was missing while my chin was down.

My mood improves when I keep my chin up while I am walking. Seeing all sorts of different things causes me to think about all sorts of different things and takes me out of my small mind of negative thoughts, the same thoughts over and over and over.

There is something else we do in our society now that brings our chin and posture down, that's right, texting and using the computer. Beware!

And what a beautiful time of year to keep your chin up. It is spring in Ontario. The trees are leafing out, blossoms are blooming, green is overtaking the greys and browns. New life, new colour, new thoughts.

Keep your 'chin up', it works!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing? Are you able to force yourself to keep your chin up when you go out today? Try it, it helps!

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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