Christmas Rehab Camp: Part 7 of Taking Control of Christmas Chaos

Looks like this Santa needs to come to our 'Christmas Rehab Camp'.

I've rewritten new lyrics to this favorite tune of 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' for our camp theme song:
You better watch out,
Go have a good cry,
You better lie down,
I'm telling you why,
Christmas let-down can be so hard.

You've thrown out your list
You've hidden the scales
Now catch up on sleep
Don't open the mail
Now you can relax and reflect.

You've worked so hard to get there,
And now it's almost done,
The parties and the presents
And all that Christmas 'fun'.

So, you better watch out,
Go have a good cry,
You better lie down,
I'm telling you why,
Christmas let-down can be so hard.

Whether you have depression issues or not, most people experience some sort of let-down after Christmas. There is such a build up and then it is over so quickly, you hardly have time to adjust.Unknown Object

We are almost done our series 'Taking Control of Christmas Chaos'.

 If we put as much effort into recovery as we put into preparation we might be able to avoid the letdown pitfall.


Depression can be tough after Christmas.

Here are some great tips about "How to Cope With Post Holiday Syndrome" that can guide you through this time. This article is good for everyone, depression or not.

This second article is written specifically for those with depression. I would recommend How to Manage Post-Holiday Depression as mandatory reading no matter what shape you are in right now.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling right now? Be kind to yourself. 'Christmas chaos' has both an up side and a down side. The down side can catch you unawares. Be vigilant. Do the things you normally do to deal with depression. Hang in there!

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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