Crushed in Spirit? There's Good News!

Ever feel 'crushed in spirit'?

Doesn't that describe perfectly how depression feels sometimes?

This was written by King David in the bible, in the book of Psalms.

He seems to be no stranger to depression. Listen to these comments of his from Psalm 6:6:

"I am worn out from groaning.
All night long I flood my bed with weeping
and drench my couch with tears.
My eyes grow weak with sorrow...."

Yep, this is right out of the bible.

Even bible heroes experience broken hearts and crushed spirits
without losing their faith in God.

You see, when you have faith in God,
you believe the bible is your handbook.

I believe the bible is full of truth.

Reading the bible helps me grow my faith.

Faith gives me hope.

Hopes helps me to NOT GIVE UP.

Reading the bible also gives me consolation like those words of King David.

If a great man like King David, who had a strong faith,
could also experience depression,
then maybe I am not as different or as alone
as depression sometimes makes me feel.

I believe what he says is true when he says
"the Lord is close to the brokenhearted" 
because God has been close to me when I have had a broken heart.

I also believe God 
"saves those who are crushed in spirit"
because he has been close to me when I have been crushed in spirit.

Are you brokenhearted?
Are you crushed in spirit?
Care to reach out to God?
Why not try this prayer?

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