Depression is Real but Hope is Real Too! Part 2 of 'Hope for Depression'

HOPE IS REAL. "There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow." (Orison Marden)

When all seems hopeless and I need to remember that hope is real, here is one of my little tricks. I talk to myself. For instance, on a bad day, and there have been many of those, I just say to myself "okay, so this is not a good day. I have had days like this before and I have survived. I will survive again. It is only a day. It is not my entire life."

What is HOPE? One definition is "To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment."

But does just 'wishing' make it so? How about praying? Could we pray for hope? Personally I would suggest that praying may be more apt to get you further than wishing but that is not the point.Unknown Object

Hope, we all want some. 

We all need some. 

How can you get some?

Some days are so pointless that I can't wait for them to end. When I finally turn out the lights at night I say to myself. "I got through today and I felt like I wouldn't. Tomorrow is another day. Maybe tomorrow will be better."

And that is my only hope at the end of some days - that tomorrow will be better. It is such tiny hope. But hope doesn't have to be big to be powerful. Little things can bring hope.

I think we should start a "Hope List". Tomorrow we will do that! I hope you are enjoying these posts.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Do you lose hope easily? Is hope alluding you? Have I helped you at all yet? Stick with me, don't give up. Depression is real but hope is real too.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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