Diagnosis + Discovery = Proper Depression Diagnosis

'Discovery' can mean different things to different people. Certainly Columbus thought that he 'discovered' America. The truth is, America was already there. The natives probably had a much different point of view. 

When I found this poster I was surprised at how many other rather critical jokes there are out there of Christopher Columbus!

When you 'discovered' that the symptoms you were experiencing might indicate that you had depression, that was your first step toward recovery. But there are so many more very important steps.

The symptoms of depression could also be associated with other mental disorders such as ADHD, OCD, PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, personality disorder and more. After all, those conditions would make anyone depressed to a certain extent.

If your depressive symptoms were just a side effect of one of these conditions, it would help you to know, wouldn't it?

Unknown Object
And so I want to encourage you to make sure that you have the right diagnosis. I have written about 'journaling for the right diagnosis' which you may want to read if you feel the urge to dig further.

I can only use my own example of Bipolar Disorder. It took awhile to come to that diagnosis and until I did, I was not on the road to recovery. I don't want you to go through years like I did before you are put in the right direction with the right treatment plan. Mental illness is difficult enough. I don't want any of you to suffer unnecessarily.

Here is a self-test by Psychology Today. It is not definitive, you cannot totally diagnose yourself with this test. However, it is a good starting point. It may give you some insight into yourself. It may give you an idea of the kinds of questions your doctor needs to ask you. You could even make a copy of the test and take it to the doctor with you. Mental disorders are complex. You are special. You deserve to receive an accurate diagnosis and the complimentary treatment.

So, for the next few posts I am going to talk about my own experience with getting the right diagnosis of bipolar disorder and how that moved me closer to recovery.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you sure you have the right diagnosis? Is the treatment you're getting working? Are you willing to dig further?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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