FAITH - More than a Depression Getaway

My faith is more than my depression getaway.
It is my anchor in a storm.
It is better than a hospital bed with compassionate nurses and skilled psychiatrists.
It is better than the best antidepressants.
It doesn't give me a break or a getaway from depression.
It gives me strength to survive.
It give me a reason to survive.

You see with faith in a living God, I believe there is more to life than this life I live.

I believe there is life after death that life is a billion times better than this life.

And so I believe that depression won't last forever.

I believe that my life has meaning and my problems have meaning.

I believe that all of the yucky stuff associated with depression is not a waste.

I believe I am learning and it is making me a more compassionate person.

depression shrinks my life,
faith expands my life.

I believe in something, someone, bigger than me 
and that is God himself.

I have faith in a God who has a plan for me.

Faith is a choice.

I choose faith.

You can too!

Do you have faith in a living God?
Would you like to have faith?
I am praying for you right now.
You can pray too.

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