Julie Fast - One Woman Bipolar Boot Camp

A mental health HERO to me is someone who platforms their suffering to inspire and teach others. Julie Fast is such a person. The attention is not on herself. The purpose is not to inflate the illness or glorify it. The whole point is helping others who suffer in the same way. 

Once I discovered I had bipolar depression I began my journey to find out as much as I could about it. I didn't have to go much farther than Julie Fast. She is like a one woman bipolar boot camp.

She has broken down this disease into strategic steps for coping. You can find that in her 'health card' system. Or maybe you would get something out of one of her many books. Possibly you could just start with her newsletters and see if you like the way she communicates. She has a blog too!

This woman has built a career, not despite her bipolar, but around that very condition. She is making lemons out of lemonade. You see for most people with bipolar, and lots of others with mental illness, it's hard to hold down a full time job. Let's face it, we're not always reliable. But Julie took her writing ability and built a business.

She proves that it's possible to live a full productive life with this complicated mental disorder. The point to my short series on Bipolar Disorder was just to mention it in case some of you out there have not considered it yet as a piece of the puzzle of your own journey.

There are so many more ways to deal with depression, with mental illness besides the usual medication, therapy and lifestyle changes.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Is there any possibility that you should take a look at this bipolar disorder?

Next time I am going to talk to you about another piece of my own puzzle, maybe this piece will complete your puzzle too!

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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