Lessons from the High Chair Authorities: Part 5 of Lessons for Depression from my Grandchildren

Here they are!  #5 and #6 are twin grandbabies! And boy can they communicate.

They are eleven months old. I will call them 'Pounder' and 'Shrieker'.

An example of their skills is shown here. They are in position. Mommy is giving them cheerios which they love. And when they are done and want more, one of them simply pounds on his tray until more appear, the other one shrieks at the top of her lungs. And guess what? It works!

As we endure depression we need to learn to communicate too.

And yet one of the symptoms of depression can be to give up and shut up.

But that is not good at all.

We need to continue to communicate our symptoms and concerns to health professionals. We need to share our feelings and our needs with those close to us. I know how hard that can be.

But my little grandchildren can teach us all.

Pounding and shrieking.
Be yourself, use what works for you. This might be talking or writing, but make sure you communicate your needs.

If the cheerios taste awful they just spit them out.
Take what is offered and try it out. If it doesn't work, quit.

When they are done, they just stop eating or throw the cheerios on the floor.
Let the person who is helping you know when there has been a measure of success. Thank them, or report back and tell them that something they did or said made a difference.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? You are as vulnerable and sometimes as helpless as these dear little ones. You are also as precious as they are. 'Shrieker' and 'Pounder' and see what happens!

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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