'Lest We Forget'

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada. It's a sombre occasion, a necessary tribute and an important day for all Canadians. Leading up to this special day, members of the Canadian Legion are out and about selling poppies, which people display on their coat lapels as a symbol of respect and remembrance.

It touches me personally every year. My dad served in WWII and due to two years in prison camp he was saved from the battle front. I am aware of how blessed he was along with so many others to have survived. I grew up surrounded by many of his fellow survivors and was made keenly aware of their thankfulness and joy for living. They knew they had been spared and they made the most of it.

A great grandfather who I never met was not a survivor. He died in the battle of Vimy Ridge in WWI. His son, my favourite uncle, was just four years old and had to grow up without a dad. But this grandpa left a precious piece of himself behind. 

Unknown Object
There were two poems printed in a periodical during his time in WWI and I would like to share those poems with you. It was a contest and your poem had to answer the question, "Does God Care?"

The first soldier wrote this:

Does God Care?

At the battle front where cannons roar,
Midst the screaming shells as they upward soar,
Ere they reach the trench where our loved ones are
Is there a God who cares?

The toll they gather as they burst and bite,
In dug-out and trench in the fading light,
Hearts sicken and groan at the awful sight,
Is there a God who cares?

On the virgin soil where man meets man,
With flashing steel till the red blood ran
And crimsoned the ground where both did stand,
Is there a God who cares?

The wearying pain as the eyes grow dim,
The loss of life, the loss of limb,
Is a world of anguish nothing to him?
Is there a God who cares?

Are breaking hearts, the mothers' tears,
The childrens' wails, the widows' fears,
The empty chair, the love of years,
Is there a God who cares?

Now my grandfather answered that same question,"Does God Care?" like this:

Ah yes; God cares, he loves us every one,
To bless and save He gave His only Son,
But man forgets God's will must be done,
There is a God who cares.

He sees the sparrows fall; He counts them one by one,
Knows every pain and hears the dying groan,
Delights in mercy through his beloved Son,
There is a God who cares.

In this mad strife, it's ours to trust and pray,
That right prevails and wrong be put away,
"Vengeance is mine" saith God, "I will repay",
There is a God who cares.

So now dear loved ones while I'm far away,
In the clang of battle just watch and pray,
For peace to reign in God's own way,
For there is a God who cares.

When it comes to Remembrance Day, it is good to remember the sacrifices that were made in the past so that we could have a glorious future. It's something we should never forget. Hopefully, remembering will motivate us to never want to go to war again.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? It is hard when you are depressed sometimes to embrace special days isn't it? Does Remembrance Day hold a special meaning for you?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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