Let's Play the Good/Bad Game

I have a new bath mat! It's a soft ivory colour and it's made out of one of those fabulous new fabrics that would be yummy to sleep on.

I like everything about this bath mat, well, almost everything. I guess what I don't like about it is that it doesn't really absorb the moisture. The water sort of sits on the top. So if I forget to hang it up and then walk into the bathroom with dry socks I get wet socks!

The other problem is my own fault. The colour is so light that dirt shows quickly. Anyways, I have to wash this more often than I have ever washed any bath mat before it.

But you know what? It washes like a dream and the dirt comes out of it with no problem. Since the water won't sink in, the dirt doesn't either, so it's all good.

Why am I talking about my bath mat?

What could this bath mat possibly have to do with depression?

Well, for starters this mat could be a great depression getaway. On a bad day I could sit down and put my bare feet on the mat and let that soft yummy fabric sooth my edgy nerves.

Even with depression there can be a good in the bad. Just like the bath mat was poor at absorbing moisture, it was also poor at absorbing dirt, making it easy to clean.

How can we apply that idea to depression? Here are some examples.

1. Depression is isolating. When we are sick, we usually spend hours alone to allow time for recovery. That seems bad. However, that time alone forces us into quiet pursuits. Some of those quiet pursuits might give us the opportunity to develop a talent like writing, painting or sewing. Couldn't that be good? The very same thing, isolation, could be both bad or good.

2. Depression forces us to seek help (if we're smart). We really don't want to go to all sorts of doctors, which may seem bad, but we must. Perhaps we may meet one who is able to actually able to help. And wouldn't that be good?

3. Depression forces us to think about our lives. Like it or not, we may benefit from doing a life analysis and delving into past circumstances that might be contributing factors. That can be painful, bad. But what if we learn something about ourselves that can help or relieve our depression? Wouldn't that be good?

4. Depression robs us from enjoying life. That's bad. But when we experience recovery we enjoy life more than we ever did before. That's good!

5. Depression causes us to experience agonizing mental and emotional pain. That's bad. But it gives us perspective and compassion for others going through the same kinds of things. It might even make it possible for us to reach out and help others. That's good, right?

I call this 'the good/bad game' and it can be a great depression getaway. I know it doesn't really solve anything but it gives you a different way to see a situation. It may give you new perspective. New perspective is a depression getaway in itself. If you play this game often enough it could even become a habit, a good habit!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you got a situation right now that you might like to test with 'the good/bad game'? What have you got to lose?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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