'LIFESTYLE CHANGES' is #5 Keyword for Depression Recovery

Depression recovery lifestyle changes - ouch! Changes! I know too well that just dealing with mental illness is enough change right? But what if there were some LITTLE changes that would make a BIG difference

How are you coming along with our depression review? Are you learning something new?

We have covered the first four important items: diagnosis, medication, therapy and research. Are you on track so far?

Well, there is more to do if you really want to recover from this old depression. Like it or not you may have to make some depression recovery lifestyle changes. Try to think of it as if you were picking out a whole new wardrobe.Unknown Object

Making changes is an ongoing process but an important one to get started on. From exercise and diet to sleeping and socializing habits, you will be surprised what small changes might make a big improvement.

Do I like all of the lifestyle changes I have had to make? No. But do I notice a difference? Yes! 

EXERCISE: walking is my choice. Truthfully I love it and look forward to it every day. My mind clears while I walk. I usually walk at the beginning of the day and a day with a walk is a better day than one without a walk. Since I am outdoors when I walk, that is added therapy. It's cheap, and mostly painless. You can choose some sort of exercise that suits you. Need convincing? Read this.

DIET: this one I find harder. I know how to eat better, I don't always do it though. Do I feel better when I eat right? I hate to admit it but yes. Eating right simply means eating real food. Try to reduce sugar and junk food. If you need more tips on better eating for depression, check this out.

SLEEPING: this one is hard to control. Sleeping too much is as harmful as not sleeping enough. Good sleep hygiene benefits everyone. I feel better if I sleep better, doesn't everyone? This is hard because we have very little control. However there are soe recommended regimes. Need some tips? Read this.

SOCIALIZING: this one has been my biggest but most important change. I now socialize less than I want to. People tire me and I need to limit the amount of socializing I do. This makes me sad especially when I have to limit the time spent with loved ones. But if I don't do this, I get sick and so.... it is one of the depression recovery lifestyle changes that pays off. Now this is different for everyone. You will need to find your own balance. Too much socializing can be just as damaging as not enough socializing. Only you can be the judge. Read about the pros and cons of socializing.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you had to make some depression recovery lifestyle changes? Have you had some success? Are you willing to investigate more changes?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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