Moody Foody: Part 3: I was Addicted to Apples!

ADDICTED TO APPLES? Seriously? I could have a worse addiction, right? I mean there is no support group for addiction to apples. 

The important question is 'why apples'? There are two reasons. One:apples are healthy and I love to eat healthy (most of the time). Two: apples are sweet, actually full of sugar and I crave sugar. 

My moods have dictated what I eat for a long time. And I have a lot of different moods. Because of rapid cycling bipolar my moods are always on the move. Each mood is an excuse to eat something I don't really need. 

"I feel lousy anyways, why not eat that entire bag of jujubes."

"I'm feeling good for the first time in a week, why not celebrate with an icecream cone?"

My recent and most successful attempt to decrease the symptoms of bipolar is Sarah Freeman's Bipolar Diet. I have hesitated to use the nasty four letter word 'diet' until now. This study convinced me that I was addicted to sugar, that I craved it and eating it did not take away the cravings. It also convinced me that sugar is bad for bipolar, for any mood disorder.

Reading this book gave me the reasons I needed to change the way I eat and the methods to do it.

I instantly discovered that after about three days of NOT eating the WRONG STUFF that I stopped craving the wrong stuff. I wasn't hungry. Those nasty cravings left me! And bonus!? I not only felt better but my weight gradually went back to normal. Again, my weight has never been a huge issue but it sure has been nice to drop a few pounds and feel better.

I now eat more protein, less carbs, less fruit (one, maybe two a day) and almost no refined sugar (I indulge in an ice cream cone once a week!) I always have protein with my fruit, like (plain) greek yogurt, cheese or nuts. When I get hungry between meals I have almonds not carbs. This is working for me. And it is only working because the cravings are gone. Believe me, I am not that strong. If I crave, I eat!


improved moods
improved weight
no cravings

Would you like to weigh less? Would you like to experience some victory and success in your life? Don't diet. Just change the way you eat. It will be different for everyone. You will have to find what works for you.

There is so much you can learn about this topic. I personally enjoy learning more about food. You may not. If so, just get the book by Sarah Freeman, The Bipolar Diet. The work is all done there for you.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you a moody foody? Do you have food cravings? Do your cravings control your life? Do you weigh more than you want? Would you like to feel better than you do?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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