My Shopping Tranquilizer has Four Legs

I hate shopping! Even if I start out with some enthusiasm or a definite purpose, in a short time I am tired and crabby and I hate everybody. My husband loves shopping so he does most of it. But if we are out together we have a system. If I start to feel tired, crabby or anxious, I just say "I've had enough" and out to the car I go to wait for him. I don't mind waiting. I keep a puzzle book in the car and I am happier out there in solitude. And he is happier to continue his shopping without a crabby wife.

Wait - maybe I should qualify 'crabby' - after all I am mentally ill, this IS an illness and so the medical term might be 'anxious'. 

Whatever, you get the idea!

Unknown Object
But now that I have my new little Yorkie, Casey, I don't hate shopping nearly as much. I take him almost everywhere with me and he loves shopping. I have a funny little basket purse that he fits in. I pet him often and he calms me right down. Plus people stop to talk to you when you have a cute little dog and before you know it, I have forgotten how anxious I usually am when I am shopping.

But Casey is quite tired after shopping.

Wow! I knew this dog was going to be a friend, but a shopping tranquiler? That is a bonus.

But wait! I hate travelling too! And guess what? Casey calms me in the car as well. Seriously, he is like a tranquilier. I can't believe that after all of these years one of the best medications I could find would be a four pound Yorkie.

And he makes a great headrest too!

This little fellow is helping me a lot. He is so much more than just a companion full of love. He is making a difference to my state of mind. My husband has noticed it and I am feeling it. It may not last forever, bipolar is a chronic illness, but for now, he has become my best depression getaway.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Do you have a pet to pet? Does it help you when you are feeling low and anxious? Would you like a pet? Would this be an option for you?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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