Sabatoging Depression Recovery: Are You GUILTY?

Sabotaging depression recovery - are you sabotaging your own depression recovery? One of the ways I do is to get too busy, spending energy I don't have, which leads to fatigue and then depression.

Here is a fun joke about someone who sabotages.

"A priest, a politician and an engineer were scheduled to be executed late in the French revolution. It has to be "public", and people are tired of all the bloodshed, so a crowd of spectators is forcibly rounded up.

The priest is brought up to the guiotine and lays down on the table. The executioner pulls the cord and the heavy steel blade descends ... then shudders to a stop in the middle of the track. The executioner is a very smart guy (which is why he is pulling the cord, rather than laying on the table) so he proclaims, "This is a sign from God, that the life of this priest should be spared!" The priest is set free to the delight of the cheering crowd.

Next the politician is brought up and laid on the table. The cord is pulled, and the blade again shudders to a halt in the same place. The executioner proclaims "The grace of God is extended even to this politician!" and the crowd goes wild with joy!

The engineer steps up last and says "You know, if you tighten that bolt, this thing will work."

Unknown Object
The engineer was definitely sabotaging his own chances of NOT being executed.

Oh I hope that isn't you! Sabotaging depression recovery is something we all do now and then. Depression is hard enough without getting in our own way.

What does sabotaging depression recovery mean? It means that you are preventing yourself from getting better, either consciously or unconsciously.

If you don't recognize that, what might be some examples of self-sabotage?

I'm so glad you asked.

Healthyplace gives three examples:

1. Refusal to take medication
2. Not Educating Ourselves on Our Illness
3. Not Taking Self-Care Seriously

These are examples of things that maybe you are NOT doing that might be sabotaging your depression recovery.

What about things that you ARE doing that might contribute?
Here are some further examples of self-sabotage from Psychology Today:

1)      Don’t tell anyone how you are feeling.
2)      Trust your irrational thoughts.
3)      Isolate yourself.
4)      Believe that you will always feel this bad.
5)      Make bad health choices (alcohol, food, rest, exercise).
6)      Wait for this to get better on its own.
7)      Refuse help.
8)      Pretend that everything is fine.
9)      Stop reaching out to your friends since they all seem to be doing so well.
10)   Surrender to your guilt and feelings of embarrassment.
11)   Search on the Internet for information or relief.
12)   Remain self-absorbed and stop caring about others.
13)   Stop taking the medications if they aren’t helping.
14)   Wonder whether therapy is making a difference.
15)   Resist suggestions from supportive friends and family.

I am guilty of 3, 4, 5 and 14. How about you?

We can add last week's topic to one more way we can sabotage our own depression recovery - resentment.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you doing today? Do you see yourself doing, or not doing any of the things on this list? 

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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