Seagulls Don't Need Hairdressers

When it is a windy day on the beach, seagulls will group together and stand facing the wind.

I prefer to have the wind at my back but if I had feathers I wouldn't.
With feathers, the position of least resistance is facing the wind.

The path of least resistance.

What does that have to do with FAITH?

If you choose faith you resist doubt, worry, and fear.

Wow! Those are terrible things.

DOUBT, WORRY, FEAR... would you choose those things?

No, I don't think any of us INTENTIONALLY choose doubt, worry or fear.

But without faith that is what automatically happens.

I would rather choose faith.

Choosing faith is as easy and as natural as standing on the beach on a windy day
and choosing the path of least resistance.

Faith is not resisting, it is accepting and embracing.

Don't be like this guy. Using his umbrella on a windy day on the beach
was a poor choice and clearly he had his umbrella facing the wrong way.

Be like the seagulls and choose the path of least resistance.
Choose faith.


Are you choosing a path of faith 
or a path of worry and doubt and fear?

It may be more simple than you imagine.

Choose faith.

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