Snuggle up for Depression: Part 3 of Lessons for Depression from my Grandchildren

Depression is difficult.

Depression recovery is challenging.

But we could soften the pain and increase changes of recovery with a little snuggling.

Let me introduce you to grandchild #3. Here he is eight years old. I will call him 'Snuggles'. I think he might be enjoying the snuggling in this picture more than the rabbit who looks a little put out.

'Snuggles' loves to snuggle. He gives the best hugs, even adds a bit of back patting in the mix. Unlike some little ones who give Grandma the mandatory hug hello and goodbye, this guy puts his heart into it. He simply enjoys it and acknowledges his need for that physical contact.

His hugs are one of my favourite depression getaways.

When we are depressed we usually don't want to even be with people, let alone hug them or be hugged. And we don't feel very huggable when we're in a bad mood.

But sometimes when we feel the most unlovable is when we need the most loving.

Take some lessons from my champion snuggler.

EXAMPLE: he only hugs people who he knows love him.
LESSON: seek out someone who cares about you and ask for a hug. Admit to them that you don't feel very huggable but you know it will make you feel better.

EXAMPLE: when asked for a hug he doesn't hesitate, he just goes for it
LESSON: when you are depressed your loved ones may think you just want to be left alone, so ask them if you need a hug, I am sure they will surprise you and move in for that hug

EXAMPLE: he leans in and doesn't rush to move away
LESSON: take your time and let the hug be the therapy you need
Physical contact is important whether you are dealing with depression or not. I remember when I was newly separated from my first husband. A friend needed a babysitter for her new baby. Boy did that cuddling ever minister to my broken heart.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? And what about you and your 'broken brain'? Have you had your hug today? That hug just may contribute to your depression recovery, for a moment, an hour, a day or longer.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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