Strategies: Mine are Working, are Yours?

When I was growing up in the 1950's my favourite TV show was 'The Roy Rogers Show'. 

At the shows end it showed Roy Rogers and his wife Dale Evans, riding their horses off into the hills and singing 'Happy Trails to You'. I remember I sometimes watched it with my little friend Bobby and we would straddle the back of the couch like it was our horse and pretend we were Roy Rogers and Dale Evans as we sang along.

The expression 'happy trails' or 'bon voyage indicate to me that there is something good about taking a trip. Not for me!

Unknown Object
I don't t travel well at all. Breaking routine is really tough on me. Even packing is disruptive. And then moving myself from one place to the other? Well, let's just say, the longer the trip the more stress for me.

'Getting away' is NOT a depression getaway for me.

The last time we took a long road trip, two days, 9 hours a day, I was a mess. 

Let's start with the car. Just being in constant motion I hate. Being trapped with another person, even the one I love, I hate. Sitting up all day, I hate. The constant stimulation of the other cars whizzing by and the fast change of scenery is disconcerting and well, I hate that too.

And don't get me started on hotels. I don't like being away from my own home, my familiar surroundings and my own bed. If it is a strange motel I am even worse. If it is not very nice, worse again. If the neighbours are disruptive, well, there are no words to how stressed out I get.

I feel overwhelmed by all of the changes and activity and stimulation. Add to that the guilt that my husband is stuck with such a party pooper! It is a no win no matter how I look at it.

It's kind of embarrassing to admit really. So many people love going places and doing things. Here I have a husband who loves to travel and we can even afford to travel, but then there is me, who just can't enjoy it.

There is some comfort in that my psychiatrist says this is quite normal for bipolar people. Too much stimulation can be overwhelming and lead to mood changes which are unpleasant enough at home but even more so when you travel.

So what does this have to do with strategies? What is the good news about all of this?

When I got home from my last trip and started to feel better after settling into my familiar surroundings (getting some time alone, walking once or twice a day, doing some of the quiet activities that I enjoy) I realized something.


If you are new to the idea of 'coping strategies' for depression you may want to read this article: "Self-help Strategies for Depression" to get you started. 

What are some of my strategies?

1. Routine, trying to do the same things at the same time every day that I can.

2. Walking

3. Eating properly and regularly

4. Getting some time alone, completely alone

These are just a few examples. And so on this last trip when I felt miserable, once again, from travelling, I realized that I don't feel nearly as miserable when I can stay at home and practice my strategies. And so I can conclude that:


My strategies for staying at home work that well. I also have strategies for travelling which I will share with you next time.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Do you enjoy travelling? Do you have coping strategies in place to help you live a good life despite depression?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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