Surprise! There's a Man at my Kitchen Window

This morning there was a man at my kitchen window! And that was a surprise since my apartment is on the second floor. Well, not a complete surprise since recently the windws have all been replaced and the sills were not in yet, so I was sort of expecting him and yet still it was a kind of fun surprise.

Reminds me of the time my husband had his first colonoscopy. I was concerned for him as I left him at the hospital and went for a walk and a snack. At the appointed time I went to pick him up and he was still in a bed in the waiting area. He had not yet had the procedure!

I felt so bad for him, and bad for me too since it would give me more time to worry. That's when I learned that the only one worrying about his medical procedures was me. For some reason he does not get excited about such things. He just enjoys all of the distractions (he's ADD), counts the nurses as they come and go, watches the interesting machinery, reads the magazine articles and talks to anyone who is friendly. The friendly person this time was a woman.

When she woke up from her surgery she looked over at my husband and said "I can't remember the last time I woke up in bed to find a man next to me!"

Apparently she found that a delightful surprise.

Good surprises are wonderful aren't they? When was the last time you enjoyed a good surprise? Does remembering it bring a smile on your face?

A good surprise can be a great depression getaway. Just remembering it could be a depression getaway.

Unfortunately with mental illness, it is too easy to remember the bad surprises - those times when depression sneaks up on you unannounced.

A long time ago, during a dark time in my life, a friend prayed that God would give me a nice surprise, something to cheer my breaking heart. It was fall, the apples had fallen off the trees and were left to rot on the ground. I had left our outdoor spot light on. I had brought our big noisy dog in the house to keep me company. All was quiet, inside and out. But I still couldn't sleep.

 As I walked around the house, looking out windows (living in the country I never closed the curtains), I spotted several deer enjoying the rotten apples on the ground. Because the dog was inside with me, she didn't see them and therefore didn't bark. And the outdoor light blinded them from seeing me. I sat and watched them for a long time. It was a wonderful surprise and for a little while that night, I had a depression getaway.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Is there a good surprise you could recall right now?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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