"The Nicest Guy I Know"

I am attending one of the friendliest churches I have ever gone to. The picture above was not taken in my church but it could be! People are welcomed warmly and cheerfully and made to feel important and at home right away. I love that about my church.

Who doesn't like being greeted when you walk through any doors, whether that is at home, or in a store or restaurant, or maybe at work, and definitely at church.

Unknown Object
And the friendliness doesn't end at the door. Before the pastor even asks, people mill about greeting each other (old friends as well as first time visitors) and saying positive things.

"So good to see you! We missed you last week!"

"Welcome. So nice to have you with us this morning!"

"You look great today. You always wear such cheerful colours."

You get the idea.

But my favourite line comes from Murray. He often says, especially to the men "you are the nicest guy I know". 


Who wouldn't love having that said to them? He says it to everyone, old friends or newcomers. It is powerful.

One day I asked him if he was always so friendly or affirming? He said he was not, but one day decided to change the way he lived and the way he treated people and that is what he came up with.

The thing is that Murray's attitude is catching. It makes everyone else want to say positive things to each other.

Maybe I should start my day by looking into the mirror and saying to my image "you are the nicest person I know"?

Or how about to my husband "you are the nicest husband ever"?

Maybe to my daughters "you are the best daughters in the world"?

You get the idea.

We have talked about 'self-talk' before. This is just another way of doing that.

With depression we need to be treated positively and treat ourselves kindly. I know, I know, this is not easy to do when your thoughts are out of control. But start trying. Maybe find just one line like Murray. 

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Are you associating with people who treat you well, who say positive things? There are people like that out there if you just look.

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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