The Power of One Baby

Have you ever wondered why God chose to visit this earth in the form a little baby?

I have until about a year ago I was enlightened about the power of one little baby.

Babies are powerful.

Our family was blessed with another new baby last Christmas, a little girl named Reilly. There was already a nine year old sister, Laine, and an eight year old brother, Jack, in this family. Reilly was an unexpected surprise to everyone but her mom and dad who had decided they loved raising kids so much that they wanted more.

I remember the day the big announcement was made. We were all together at a family birthday party. Jack who can barely keep a secret arrived at the door telling everyone they had "a big announcement, a really big announcement and you are going to be really surprised!"

Well, a baby was not even on the list of anyone's guesses.

When it was time for cake, Jack and Laine stood proudly together facing the entire family and in one voice yelled out
“we're going to have a baby!”

You could not contain our excitement – there were hoops and hollers and tears and congratulations and hugs and well
 – you can imagine.

We were transformed in that moment. 

 The baby had not even arrived yet and already had a powerful effect on all of us but especially on Jack and Laine.

Now Jack, who had spent the last 8 years as the annoying little brother was not used to being held in high regard but this baby was going to change everything for him. His mother told him and he announced with a proud voice
“this baby is going to look up to me!”

This powerful little baby who hadn't even arrived yet had brought Jack

and anticipated joy

like nothing else could.

As for the big sister Laine - calm, serene, demure - she, like Mary, 'pondered these things' quietly.

By the time Christmas came along Reilly was two months old and the power of her transforming presence was undeniable.

I was talking about the baby Jesus with the other grandchildren and I said “you know Mary was so young, not much older than you girls. Could you even imagine being a mother at your age?”

Laine, with the body of a nine year old girl, but the heart and wisdom of a woman said
“I can. I've got Reilly.”

One little baby made a real live mother out of a nine year old girl and a respected older brother out of an eight year old boy.

That is one powerful baby.
All babies are powerful.
Only God knows how much.

May the baby Jesus, God in the flesh, become more real to you than ever before this year.

May you embrace that little baby Jesus and absorb all of its tenderness, love and transforming power.

Merry Christmas!

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