The View from my Kitchen Window

Years ago when I was a young wife and mother living on a farm, I used to enjoy a magazine called 'Country Woman'. It was a typical woman's magazine but featuring the country life and the women like me who lived in a rural area.  

"The View from my Kitchen Window" was one of my favorite monthly features. Each one was a brief description of the view from the window of some woman's farmhouse and a picture was included.

Of course no one sent in an article about an ugly view from their kitchen window! Oh no, they were all idyllic settings like the one shown here. 

Unknown Object
In the meantime, the view that I was experiencing was quite nice, some fruit trees, our curved driveway, the barn and some of our pretty far off fields. But there was something that prevented this from being idyllic. My husband back then collected old cars and trucks. His favorite was a Toyota Land Cruiser. He usually had one of these on the go and several others for parts, just in case. I could see all of these from my kitchen window!

I did not enjoy this, especially when, each month I would read all about other views from other kitchen windows. But a solution was quite easy. I suggested to my husband that he could have all of the jalopies he wanted as long as I could not see them from my kitchen window or from any other windows in the house. He was happy to comply and the old cars got moved out of my site.

My views have always been important to me. My views are one of my many depression getaways. He moved the vehicles and I had my view!


Is there a solution to every problem? I like to think so. Can we turn any unwanted situation into a success story? I like to think so too.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling? Do you have a view to enjoy? Is there something or someone blocking your view of depression recovery?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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