WARNING! Social Media may be Bad for Depression

"Does excessive social media use cause depression, or do depressed people tend to use social media excessively?"

I don't have an answer to that question. We are individuals and we will each answer differently.

This quote is from psychcentral.com in an article titled "Does Social Media Cause Depression?"

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Here is more from that same article:

"Indirectly, social media applications act as the catalyst for destructive behaviors like comparison, cyberbullying, and approval-seeking. A side-effect of the way in which social media applications are designed is that users tend to showcase a highlight reel of their lives; posting all the positive and important moments and leaving out the negative and mundane. When a user observes these highlight reels from other people, they compare these portrayals to the worst parts of themselves, causing feelings of shame, irrelevance, and inferiority. These feelings can lead users to engage in destructive approval-seeking behaviors. Social media applications are also conducive to cyberbullying, where users can hide behind anonymity and remove themselves from the consequences of harassment. This harassment can have fatal consequences, and social media only makes it easier to engage in."

Maybe you would like to read "Is Facebook Making You Depressed?" from psychologytoday.com for further ideas.

I have only recommended two sites. If you need more convincing just google 'social media and depression' and you will find a lot more studies on this which are mostly conclusive.


This post is meant as a warning as well as a reminder. 

I suppose it wouldn't hurt any of us, depressed or not, to ponder our social media use and how beneficial it i:s.

In an article titled: 'Six Ways Social Media Negatively Affects Your Mental Health' the author lists self-esteem, human connection, memory, sleep, attention span, and mental health as areas of our lives that are being negatively affected by the over-use of social media. 

I we are already struggling with depression, and we are, we don't need any more contributors to poor mental health. 

Let me ask you this: does social media cheer you up?

Next time I am going to tell you an even more serious reason to limit your time on social media.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Do you enjoy social media? A lot, a little bit? Does it cheer you up? Have you thought about it?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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