Happy Thanksgiving - Canadian Style

Yes, it really does look just like this where I live! Awesome, glorious, magnificent and almost unreal, unnatural, like a painting.

This weekend in Canada we will be celebrating thanksgiving.

And what a beautiful time of year to be thankful!

Thanksgiving is not just a traditional celebration - it is a powerful word and a powerful choice.

But it is pretty hard to be thankful when you are depressed - right? And unfortunately at this time of year that is common. 

Why? Because the change of seasons has a big impact on mental illness.

Psychology Today writes a good article which might be worth reviewing: "Five Ways the Change of Seasons Might Affect your Mental Health". The entire article is worth reading but the resulting suggestions from it are here:

  • Making a list of priorities for the season. Don’t give into pressure. Do the things you really enjoy and forget about the rest.
  • Getting access to plenty of natural light by spending some time outside or sitting under a sun lamp.
  • Maintaining a regular schedule, even when cold temperatures tempt you to sleep in.
  • Starting your own family traditions, particularly if you have a conflict with your family of origin.
  • Taking care of your body. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, at least five days per week. Eat plenty of healthy foods and get enough sleep.
I hope some of those tips can help you this thanksgiving weekend plus during any change of seasons.

Thanksgiving is not easy when mental illness is part of your life but it is not impossible. It is kind of like faith, we don't feel it, we choose it. And thanksgiving can be a powerful choice with many benefits.

All holidays are challenging for anyone who is not feeling well. Don't be too hard on yourself when you have trouble embracing a holiday. You are not alone. There are more of us out there. 

WHAT ABOUT YOU?  How are you feeling today? Is it 'thanksgiving' where you live? Are you feeling thankful? Would you like to try?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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