The Lights of Christmas

The Lights of Christmas - isn't that absolutely gorgeous? I think it might be a painting, it doesn't even look real. What do you think?

We like to take at least one special drive at Christmas time to enjoy the lights. Some places have lights worth driving to. We have our favourites!

Just what is it about light and lights that draws each of us?

Who doesn't enjoy Christmas lights? They are beautiful right?

From tasteful

to tacky

from traditional

to modern

They all do the same thing, they light up our world!

Light is optimistic, enlivening, brightening, revealing, encouraging. Light is the opposite of dark. Depression can often be dark. Enjoy the light this season.

And that coincides with the true reason for Christmas. 
Jesus was born on Christmas day to be
 'the light of the world'.

As I enjoy the lights of Christmas I think of each light as Jesus himself, spreading love and light into all the world.

HOW ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling this season so far? Are you able to enjoy some Christmas lights?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression, even at Christmas.

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