'Tidying Up' is a 'NEAT' Depression Getaway

This is a great new series on Netflix. It is called 'Tidying Up with Marie Kondo'.

I read her book awhile ago "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up". It's a lovely read.

Now I must first confess my bias before we go any further. Organizing and sorting is a passion of mine. I love it. 
Housework, even the very basics is hard to do when depressed, sometimes impossible. And yet a messy house can add to depression. 

But if you can use some of your good days to get your house in order that might create a 'neat' depression getaway for you when you are down. It might even make a depressive episode easier to bear if your house is calm and clean.

Getting your house in order will involve some getting rid of stuff since most of us in this society have too much stuff. Besides a messy house is usually the result of having too much stuff, do you agree? I am going to share some quotes from Marie Kondo's book and see if any of them spur you onto wanting to 'tidy up'.

If too much stuff is your thing then this quote might apply to you?

“I have yet to see a house 
that lacked sufficient storage. 
The real problem is that 
we have far more than we need or want.” 

She also suggests a deeper meaning to why we may have too much stuff:

“The question of what you want to own
 is actually the question of 
how you want to live your life.” 

“But when we really delve into the
reasons for why we can’t let something go, 
there are only two: an attachment to the past
 or a fear for the future.” 

“Keep only those things that 

speak to your heart. 
Then take the plunge and discard all the rest.
 By doing this, you can reset your life 
and embark on a new lifestyle.” 

This next quote could speak directly to each of us as we try to create better lives factoring in our depression:

“The space in which we live 
should be for the person we are becoming now, 
not for the person we were in the past.” 

Sadly depression changes us and changes our lives. If we must adapt to it in order to live as good a life as possible, despite the challenge, then we need all the help we can get. 

Marie Kondo shows us how to help ourselves.

But she not only gets philosophical, she is practical. She actually tells you how to do it.

“We should be choosing what we want to keep, 
not what we want to get rid of.” 

If you read the book or watch the series you will find an easy to use method to get you started.

And here is the result she promises:

“From the moment you start tidying, 
you will be compelled to reset your life.
 As a result, your life will start to change. 
That’s why the task of putting your 
house in order should be done quickly. 
It allows you to confront the issues 
that are really important. 
Tidying is just a tool, not the final destination. 
The true goal should be 
to establish the lifestyle you want most 
once your house has been put in order.” 

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Is your house tidy? Would you like it to be? Are you willing to try? Do you believe it would make you feel better? 

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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