I Have to Walk the Dog - So What's Your Excuse?

If you are an introvert like me you will look for any excuse to take a break from people when you are at a party or in a crowd.

Casey has become my new excuse. "I better walk the dog!"
So what excuse might you have to get out of situations that are not comfortable for you?

Being an introvert, like I am, means that being with people tires me out and being alone energizes me. 

An introvert at a party finds that just taking a bathroom break can be a happy thing because for a few moments you are alone. It feels sort of silly but it's true. You may even want to sit and stay there for awhile before you re-enter the room full of people. And that's okay. It doesn't mean you hate people.

If you are an introvert but haven't realized it yet, then this discovery could be a good learning curve for you. If you would like to read more about being an introvert there is stuff all over the internet but I would recommend this article in Psychology Today as a reliable source of information.

Introvert or not we all need 'excuses' for getting out of uncomfortable situations.

My mother was a great one for avoiding the truth. She could lie like nobody's business. If someone called her on the phone (we are talking about the 50's and 60's) she would motion one of us to go to another room and call her in a loud voice. Then she would say to the person at the other end, "so sorry, but one of the children needs me, I will have to go, bye."

So, what's your excuse? Remember an excuse is just a reason for exiting, for getting out of something. It doesn't have to be a lie. And always remember, your comfort is important. You don't have to compromise your needs to please others.

I will mention introversion often in this blog and for good reason. If you are an introvert and haven't figured that out yet, then you have yet to live life fully. If you are an introvert it must be factored into your self-care program.

If you would like to know more about introverts you may want to listen to this Ted Talk entitled "The Power of Introverts".

WHAT ABOUT YOU? How are you feeling today? Have you figured out whether you are an introvert or an extrovert yet? Are you beginning to realize that this may be an important discovery for your progress?

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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