'This Beautiful Fantastic'

'A charming tale' pretty much sums up this precious, gentle movie called 'This Beautiful Fantastic'. Please ignore the PG warning about 'mild course language'. Every so once in a while, I come across a movie that is so gentle, so slow-moving, and so unoffensive that I am totally comforted. This is such a movie. 

When you battle depression you must be kind to yourself. If 'yourself' is someone who loves violence and fast-paced stories, then so be it. But if you are like me and you are super sensitive, easily offended and annoyed, and have a moral standard seldom regarded in so much of today's entertainment, then this delightful movie is what you need.

I probably identify with the main character in this tale, as she is a bit of an introvert, a little peculiar and she is a writer. But more than that, I just enjoyed watching something where I wasn't thinking thoughts like 'what a waste of time', or 'I'm better than this'.

Yes, I watch things to be entertained, even to escape but if that has a negative effect on me then it can bring my mood down, not raise it up. We must avoid that sort of thing. Our state of mind is more important than our entertainment whims.

The thing is, with depression you have to not only be kind to yourself but find kindness in the world. It is out there if you are open to it. Often with depression, our thoughts are not kind, or uplifting and so we need to seek them out around us. Whether that be a gentle movie like this one, a precious novel or a beautiful garden, or just a walk in the park, it is worth seeking out.

You are worth it. Treat yourself well. 

Don't give up. I am praying for you. There is hope for depression!

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