Speaking Up! Speaking Out! Uncovering the Stigma and the Mystery about Mental Illness

Yep! That's me talking about depression. Doesn't look too depressing does it? I do try to add a little humour here and there.

Just when I think I've said all I can about depression, just when I think I have written all I can about the topic, I meet a family who is in the middle of the effects of mental illness and once again I am motivated to reach out in any way I can.

Depression doesn't just affect the individual suffering but the whole family. It can destroy families. 

I meet so many people who do NOT want to get help for their depression. The excuses are endless. But have they ever thought how selfish that is? Just think, if they got help, their family will be helped too. 

Have YOU ever thought of it that way?

I continue to speak to various groups about depression. It is also a chance to promote my devotional book 'My Bible Tells Me So'. Or is my devotional book giving me a chance to talk about depression? Either way, I love speaking and encouraging people not to give up. I love telling people how my faith in God and my Bible help me cope with mental illness.

What about you? Are you affected by mental illness, either yourself or a family member? Do you need encouragement to hang on and hang in there? Do you need to reach out for help?

Have you got your own copy of 'My Bible Tells Me So' yet? If not it is available on Amazon or if you live near me, in Norwood, Ontario, you can arrange to pick one up. You can contact me at wendylove1950@gmail.com

Don't give up. There is hope for depression.

And don't give up on God. He is always right there just waiting for us to reach out to him for help.

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