Casy and I say "Hi!"

Welcome to Depression Getaway with Wendy Love! This is me, Wendy Love, with my emotional support dog, Casey. Oh I know, all dogs are emotional support dogs, it's in their DNA, but this little guy was chosen for that one purpose. And he is doing a great job.

If this is your first time visiting Depression Getaway, then welcome! This blog spans many years and many topics. The farther you scroll, the older the posts, but know this - they all matter. Old or new, the message stays the same: 

There is hope for depression!

As I write this I have just finished speaking to a group of wonderful Christian ladies, about my journey with depression and how my bible helps me.

Whenever I speak, I can see faces and stories and hurts and hopes. As people watch me and listen I can tell that they either have depression or some sort of mental illness themselves, or they love someone who does. 

And when I speak of the hope that my bible gives me I can see them too, being filled with hope that only the Bible can give. 

If you are reading this blog for the first time, I encourage you to keep trying to live a better life, despite depression. I encourage you to read on and get some good ideas to help you live with this illness. 

I promise you, there will be good days and bad days, as there is in all parts of our lives, but if you apply yourself to learning more about mental illness and trying new ways of managing yours, that you will have more good days.

I have written a wonderful little devotional called "My Bible Tells Me So" which if available on if you don't live near me. You may want to check out my website for Wendy Love Clark which will keep you up-to-date on my speaking engagements.

The message is always the same here:

Don't give up! There is hope for depression.

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