
Showing posts from March 14, 2021

Six Pandemic Projects

What sorts of projects have you tackled since this pandemic broke out? You've had a whole year, right? I've got some ideas in case you need a little inspiration: 1. Get reacquainted with an old friend. 2. Pick up on an old hobby. 3. Sort out some closets. 4. Plan a fantasy trip. 5.Finish something you started.  6. Read a book. Those are just a few ideas. I'm sure you can add some of your own. The main thing is to do something. You can't just watch TV every day all day. Or can you?

Jenga: A Toppling Tower of Fun

Jenga. Do you know this game? Are you a game player? Now, during a pandemic is a great time to start if you aren't. And if you are, do get those old games out of the cupboard and get going.  What does the game 'Jenga' have to do with the pandemic? What does Jenga have to do with depression? This delightful manipulative game can serve so many purposes during these tedious covid days. Any game could help really. Games take us out of ourselves. Games give us a chance to NOT THINK ABOUT COVID for a little while. Games force us into interacting in a fun way with those we are isolating with. And the amazing game Jenga can even be played alone!