About Wendy Love

That's me with my five favourite depression getaways! Look at me! I look normal! I look happy! Yes I do have happy moments even though I am challenged with a form of depression called Bipolar II. This picture (taken in 2020) reminds me that I have good days that I can cherish.

My name is Wendy Love and I live with depression, or does it live with me? However, it is not who I am. I am so much more than depression. But I do I understand what it's like to attempt to live a life that some days doesn't seem worth living.

Yes, I had to change my life in order to accommodate this illness and still leave room for living. Eventually, I had to close my small art business which I loved. No work, no money, no purpose, but wait! I discovered something I can do no matter how I feel – write!

Writing is a natural outlet for this retired teacher. From elementary school to adult art classes, I made good use of my teaching degree. But my creative side always won out and I spent the majority of those working years as an artist.

My most rewarding accomplishment, however, was raising two daughters and sustaining one marriage for 24 years. I survived the break-up of that marriage and went on to courageously and happily marry again and now (2020) have been married for 22 years.

My years as a school teacher and an art teacher make blogging kind of fun for me. It is like my own little classroom (with quiet, well-behaved students!) and I can be as creative as I want.

Since I have trouble with most medications I have been forced to come up with other strategies for dealing with depression. And let me tell you that these strategies all make a difference, some of them some of the time, some of them all of the time. It is definitely worth the effort.

That's where this blog comes in. I couldn't resist sharing what I've learned with others. It is a good thing I love research! Writing has become one of the many strategies that help me survive living with this illness.

I am blogging for depression - yours and mine.

Don't give up. You are not alone. I am praying for you (really!). There is hope for depression.

Wendy Love

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