
"Something To Look Forward To"

  Grandchildren coming to visit is definitely  "something to look forward to"  for me. It happens fairly regularly at our place on Wednesday and Thursday and so each one of those days I have   "something to look forward to." I had a therapist one time that always ended our sessions with that question   "what have you got to look forward to?"  It left our visit on a positive tone. Sometimes I would have to think for a bit before, in my depressed state, I could think of anything to look forward to. But then when I did think about it I was surprised that I really did have few things coming up to look forward to! In my daily devotions, when I write in my journal, I include a little measurement of my mood. I have a list which I put a note beside with these titles: sleep, food, body, mood, mind, yesterday, today and tomorrow. This helps me get a sense of what I might be up against that day. It also gives me an idea of what might already be good about the day, ma
  Casy and I say "Hi!" Welcome to Depression Getaway with Wendy Love! This is me, Wendy Love, with my emotional support dog, Casey. Oh I know, all dogs are emotional support dogs, it's in their DNA, but this little guy was chosen for that one purpose. And he is doing a great job. If this is your first time visiting Depression Getaway, then welcome! This blog spans many years and many topics. The farther you scroll, the older the posts, but know this - they all matter. Old or new, the message stays the same:  There is hope for depression! As I write this I have just finished speaking to a group of wonderful Christian ladies, about my journey with depression and how my bible helps me. Whenever I speak, I can see faces and stories and hurts and hopes. As people watch me and listen I can tell that they either have depression or some sort of mental illness themselves, or they love someone who does.  And when I speak of the hope that my bible gives me I can see them too, bein

September is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Or is it?

I loved that ad way back in 1996 that Staples did using the Christmas song "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" . You might want to check it out for a good giggle and a fun twist on the most wonderful time of the year. Is this a good time of the year for you? In a lot of ways it is for me. I love the weather, cooler temperatures, no bugs. I feel invigorated and wanting to get things done that I didn't do during the summer. Summer is filled with visitors and outings and just enjoying the weather, so September seems to be the kick off for me to do other things around the house. But there is also a downside for me at this time of year. My mood dips. It just happens. And apparently many people with any kind of mental illness, especially bipolar, find the change of seasons difficult. There is a good article on the Mayo Clinic website (which I encourage you to use as a reliable source of medical information. They describe the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, a

Blogging for Depression, Yours and Mine

  One of the first blogs I read about depression, about 20 years ago was called 'Roller Coaster' . It was written by someone who had bipolar disorder, like me. I remember it clearly. It was the middle of the night, and I was in yet another depressive episode, wondering if there was any hope for me so I went 'online' and looked up 'depression blogs'. I wasn't even sure there was such a thing but there it was! What a comfort to see that I was not the only one with bipolar disorder. It was so affirming to hear someone describe the same symptoms I was experiencing. I felt validated, like I was not imagining the whole thing.  Way back then, there were about 1% of the blogs that there are now. Good blogs about depression were hard to find. And people often made comments. Others responded to those comments. It was helpful and I felt less alone.

H-E-L-P for Depression

  H-E-L-P is our keyword today. HELP for depression. Do you know what I have learned over the years of speaking about depression? Many people who struggle with mental illness resist getting help. Why? I've heard a lot of excuses. Here are just a few. "I don't want anyone to know." "I don't want to take medication, I want to be in control of my life." "If I admit I need help, that makes me weak." "I don't need help, I can do this alone."

Speaking Up! Speaking Out! Uncovering the Stigma and the Mystery about Mental Illness

Yep! That's me talking about depression. Doesn't look too depressing does it? I do try to add a little humour here and there. Just when I think I've said all I can about depression, just when I think I have written all I can about the topic, I meet a family who is in the middle of the effects of mental illness and once again I am motivated to reach out in any way I can. Depression doesn't just affect the individual suffering but the whole family. It can destroy families.  I meet so many people who do NOT want to get help for their depression. The excuses are endless. But have they ever thought how selfish that is? Just think, if they got help, their family will be helped too.  Have YOU ever thought of it that way? I continue to speak to various groups about depression. It is also a chance to promote my devotional book 'My Bible Tells Me So' . Or is my devotional book giving me a chance to talk about depression? Either way, I love speaking and encouraging people

Sending a Hug of Help

In just a few days I have become aware of several people I care about suffering from depression. It is depressing....I just want to help but all I can do is pray.  If you, or anyone you love is suffering from any kind of mental illness, get help. It makes a difference. Start with your family doctor.  Untreated depression only gets worse. Get help. Medication can and often does make a difference. Yes, some medications may have side effects you won't like but try another one. What have you got to lose? You try out something and quit if it is disagreeable. But maybe, just maybe, you will find a medication that makes a difference. And even a little difference can make a big difference when it comes to mental illness. Get help.  Any kind of mental illness can make you feel all sorts of terrible things. One of my favourites is 'I hate people!' Really, when I am at my worst I feel like I hate everyone! And that makes me feel even more depressed. I feel guilty. I wonder 'what k