
Showing posts from June 24, 2018


Doesn't that look like the most satisfying hug? Did you know that the human hug has tremendous power? Yesterday I mentioned how holding my ADD husband's hand during a movie helped him to stay focused on the movie and enjoy the entire show without missing important parts of the plot. The challenge with the ADD person is not only keeping their attention, it is also getting their attention in the first place. They often don't even look at you while you are speaking, their eyes are usually all over the place, along with their minds.

ADD's Secret Weapon is Right at Your Fingertips!

I am doing a series on ADD, using my husband as my lab rat (I couldn't resist that!) Seriously though, ADD is common, it is real, it is frustrating for the person who has it and the people who live with them. So here is my attempt to bring some enlightenment from my own experiences. As I share some stories about the behavior of my ADD husband, I am reminded of one of the first times we went to a movie together. We held hands through the entire movie, and when we came out, my husband said that he thinks it was the first time he was able to follow a story without being distracted.

What Do Jim Carey and Robin Williams have in Common?

Does this little girl look like she is focused on the same things the others students are focused on? No!  She looks a little distracted, doesn't she. Maybe she has ADD? Yesterday I wrote a post about someone I admire - my husband! One of the things I admire about him is how he handles his shortcomings, of which, like all of us, he has many. One of those shortcomings is a condition called ADD . I have decided to chat about this for a few posts. You may recognize someone you know when I describe some of the behaviors of an ADD person. And so, you guessed it. Jim Carey and Robin Williams also have ADD (apparently).

Someone I Admire: Why My Husband is like Christopher Reeves

This is only Day 2 of 'The Ultimate Blogging Challenge' and already I find myself met with opposition - I am sick, really sick..... and that reminds me of how I admire people who handle physical and mental adversity with grace and humour. That would be my husband! What does he have to handle that he handles so well? Well first of all, let me tell you a bit about him. He is kind of a nut, really smart, a little eccentric, and not the most practical or useful man ever. BUT - as eccentric as he is, and as easy as it is for him to get stuck on the smallest of details, and how hard it is for him to discriminate between small problems and big problems, he is the most ideal patient. Why, because all details are equally important to him. Whether it is a touch of flu or an episode in the emergency with his racing heart, it's all the same to him.

The Ultimate Blogging Challenge: Day One

Here I go! I am taking 'The Ultimate Blogging Challenge'. Check it out for yourself, maybe you would like to take it too. I will be blogging 31 days in a row. Why? Because it seems like a fun idea. So here we go! I would like to start by re-introducing myself to you and tell you why I started blogging. 1. My name is Wendy Love. I am a 62 year old grandmother of four , happily married after experiencing divorce. I am the mother to two amazing women, stepmother to another amazing woman and two fabulous men, mother-in-law to three dynamic men, retired from teaching and from the craft show business. That is the stuff you see.