
Showing posts from July 1, 2018

Self-Expression Through Study

When you think of self-expression, do you think of it as a passive or an active activity? When you think of studying, do you think of it as a passive or active activity? Just asking..... I am sure some people might not think of study as a form of self-expression but I do. When I choose to study something, and I enjoy the process, I find things that interest ME or help ME or enlighten ME in a way that is so productive, so building. Studying something that interests me is a great depression getaway too.

Express Yourself with Teaching

Teaching someone else how to do something that you already know how to do is another great way of expressing yourself. I remember a time long ago, in 1978,  when I was pregnant with my second child. A friend named Sylvia had lost her mother to cancer that year. I was experiencing a few complications with my pregnancy and had been told to take it easy. We decided to spend some time together and she chose to use that time teaching me to make bread the way her mother did. What fun we had! And it started me on a weekly routine of making my own bread which I in turn taught to my dad.

Express Yourself with Cooking

Have you noticed there was a trend for awhile in movies, to have stories about cooking and eating? There have been some good ones! Have you seen any of them? Julie and Julia Eat, Pray, Love Chocolat Waitress The Perfect Man The picture I have at the top is from 'The Perfect Man'. Movies like this can really make you want to cook or bake something. And since it has a happy ending it can be a good depression getaway at the same time. From the choosing, to the shopping, to the creating and then the eating, cooking can be a great way to express yourself! If you need to get inspired, why not get one of these movies and prepare to let your mouth water! Have you ever baked bread from scratch? It's fun, and it smells so good when it is cooking. And of course there is nothing just like the taste and smell of freshly baked bread. Years ago when I was a school teacher, one of my fellow teachers Melda had a 'bake away the winter blues' party. We all brough

'The Sound of Music' for Self-Expression

We don't have to sing to use music as a form of self-expression. Just listening to music you enjoy is a form of self-expression as well. Music has the ability to transport us in a way no other activity does. When was the last time you listened to some music that you really enjoy?

Eat, Pray, Love...Sing!

Have you read the book or seen the movie? It has some good stuff in it. Here is my favorite quote from the book:  “There’s a crack in everyone…that’s how the light of God gets in.” As we continue in our series on self-expression, I was reminded of this poignant story of a woman on the search for happiness. She was truly looking for new ways to express herself! That is what we are doing too.

Dancing Therapy is More Fun Than Psychotherapy

Oh I know, I am getting a little carried away with this picture of a dancer, but I just couldn't resist. Yes, she is probably more concerned with her form and accuracy than with the kind of dancing I am talking about. I am talking about dancing just for the sake of dancing. Dancing just to feel different , be more free , more fun , feel younger . Dancing to change my point of view , even for a moment. We are talking about dancing as a form of self-expression . But is dancing really that therapeutic? Well, you be the judge.

Dance Like No One's Watching

Oh I do hope you are taking me up on 'The Self-Expression Challenge" . As I continue in this series which is promoting the idea that self-expression can be helpful for dealing with depression, I would like to chat about dancing and its therapeutic benefits. I gave you a good list of different forms of self-expression. We have tackled prayer and coloring so far. Did anyone try prayer? And how about coloring , how is that going? Now, I don't want you to quit coloring and start dancing instead, but I DO want you to start dancing . Maybe add dancing to the colouring? Or like the little guy in this picture, dance whether anyone is watching or not. Look at the joy on his face! Of course he is young and carefree but still, maybe a little dancing might make us young and carefree again? Next time I will ask you how that felt, and then share some of the amazing therapeutic benefits of dance. WHAT ABOUT YOU?  How are you feeling today? So, my self-expression challenge

Crayola Therapy: Why Does it Work?

Do you remember getting lost in your coloring book as a child? Do you remember how industrious you became to get the job done? Do you remember the fun of picking your own colors? Do you remember the smell of a box of crayons? Do you remember the joy of using brand new crayons? If you have taken me up on The Self-Expression Challenge then you remembered all of those things yesterday, because you followed my instructions and went out and bought yourself a new coloring book and a new box of crayons!

Take the Self-Expression Challenge

We have been discussing self-expression and the benefits it has for depression . For the last few posts, I have even chosen prayer as a form of self-expression. Would you ever have thought that prayer was a way of expressing ourselves? I chose prayer because it is something that is important to me and I have found it a wonderful way to express myself. Besides, I really do believe there is a God, that he loves me and he died for me and he answers prayer!

If You Love Surprises, Then You Will Love Praying!

What does a black cow have to do with prayer? Well, let me tell you my black cow story first and then I will make the connection. My husband and I had been away in St. Jacobs, Ontario for a few days. As we enjoyed our breakfast one bright winter morning, in a wonderfully windowed dining room overlooking the St. Jacobs Farmers Market and Stockyards, as well as several empty parking lots for outlet stores, I saw a big black blob which caught my interest. As I watched it I thought I saw movement, but no, I concluded, that must just be the wind, it is probably a big black garbage bag. I continued enjoying my tea and then I saw the big black bag, walk across the road! It was a cow which had escaped from the stockyards! What unexpected fun, and a great show for me to watch during my holiday breakfast. The cow slid a bit on some of the pavement, then headed out to a road behind the hotel.

Praying - It's Easier than You Think

Prayer is one of the simplest yet most powerful form of self-expression. Today I would like to share a favourite story from "Streams in the Desert, Book 2" entry date May 12. The story is told of a shabby old gentleman who every day at twelve o'clock would enter the church, stay a few minutes, then leave. The caretaker was concerned for the valuable altar furnishings. Every day he watched to be sure nothing was taken, and every day just at twelve the shabby figure would arrive. One day the caretaker accosted him. "Look here, my friend, what are you up to, going into the church every day?""I go to pray" replied the old man politely. "Now come", the cautious caretaker said, "you don't stay long enough to pray." "True enough. I cannot pray a long prayer, but every day I just comes and says 'Jesus, it's Jim'. Then I waits a minute, then comes away. I guess He hears me though it's but a little pray

Self-Expression Through Prayer

At each of my daughters weddings I received the most delightful revelation. At both weddings I was invited to welcome everyone at the reception and then pray before we ate. At each wedding, as I reached the podium and looked at my daughter and her new husband I realized something: "this is the one I have been praying about all of these years!" Let me explain. When I first became a christian I was about thirty years old and my daughters were 3 and 5. I was excited about everything to do with my new found faith. I devoured my bible and read books telling me how other christians led their lives. One christian woman said how she started praying for the spouse of each of her children, while those children were still young. I decided I would do that too! And so I started praying for a little boy I hadn't met yet, but who God had already chosen for each of my girls.

Create Your Own Happy Endings Through Self-Expression

I love to draw floor plans. For me, drawing floor plans for houses is like doodling. One time my husband came home with a huge box of graph paper as a gift because he could see how much pleasure I get from this little hobby I have had since I was a teenager. The interesting thing is that I don't design big fancy houses. They are all fairly practical. But each one solves a little problem here or there. And I imagine how much better one design is compared to another. When I feel overwhelmed with my house, I design a smaller one and I imagine how much easier life would be if I had a smaller house. It is kind of my way of dreaming, my way of expressing myself and my way of having control over something, even if it is only in my imagination.

10 Great Opportunities for Self-Expression

Self-expression - an underused depression getaway. We are talking about self-expression for improving good mental health. Remember that self-expression doesn't mean becoming great at something, signing up for expensive lessons or going out and buying a bunch of expensive equipment. It could be as simple as doodling, as cheap as walking, or as natural as baking. Now it's time to get practical. Just in case you can't think of any ways to express yourself, here is a list to get you thinking.

Four Fabulous Benefits of Self-Expression

Self-expression is not only effective but a super great depression getaway. Here are four benefits of self-expression taken from "Kids and Mental Health". It is actually an article by Lauren Bailey who is a guest blogger on that site. Even though it is written for children, there are great ideas for all of us. Here is the list of benefits.

Are You Getting Enough? Self Expression that is....

Have you seen this wonderful ad on TV called 'Express Yourself' ? I remember one of the questions I was asked by my doctor when I was in a deep dark pit of depression. She asked 'what would you like to see happen?' or in other words 'what would you like to change?' On that particularly dark day I couldn't even come up with an answer. I thought 'what was the use of even imagining how things could be better, it's never going to happen anyways.' Have you ever felt like that?

4 Tips for Living with Someone who has ADD

This is the last part of a series I have been writing about ADD. If you know someone who might be ADD, you may want to share this series of posts with them. This one is the most important posts of all so please read on! As much as there are definitely similarities among people who have ADD, it is also, like any mental disorder, very individual. I hope my stories have created a revealing picture which you may identify with if you know someone who has ADD. It may even be you!

ADDers Rarely say "I'm Finished!"

Do you have trouble finishing projects?  We have been chatting about ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder. Last time I mentioned the challenge that exists for a person who has trouble concentrating and that was finishing projects. We can all struggle with that sometimes. Due to the tendency towards distraction, it is likely that most people with ADD will start a lot of different projects! This is not only frustrating for them but also for those who live with them.

Did You Know that sometimes ADDers can Pay Attention better than Anyone?

CONCENTRATION is what challenges someone with ADD and yet at the same time, when they DO concentrate, and they do sometimes, they do it better than the rest of us! In discussing ADD on these last few posts, I have emphasized the negative side which is two parts. 1. inability to concentrate without being distracted 2.  inability to organize, or to create and maintain order As with all things however, there is a flip side.

Lessons from Sesame Street: Finding Differences

'One of these things is not like the others....'?  Remember that game on Sesame Street? Well, if you were to play that game with my ADD husband, using the above photograph, he would not only point out the obvious, the tart is different than the donuts, but he would probably also have to mention some sorts of differences he sees between the donuts too. I mentioned the last time how my husband has to pick up EVERY brochure that he has the chance to pick up. Why is that?  Why EVERY brochure? Because they all present the same level of interest for him. He can't prioritize them. He can't discriminate between them. He has a hard time eliminating some of them in preference of others.This is one of the contributors to the condition of ADD ; everything is equally distracting, not just some things. That is why they are distracted almost all the time .

How is ADD like a Three Ring Circus?

We are talking about ADD for a few days. What makes me an expert? First hand experience, or maybe I should say second hand. Anyways, my husband is ADD, my stepson is ADHD and I am a retired teacher who taught several children with the same disorder. I made it a point many years ago to study the subject when I met my first ADHD student in 1988. I have been fascinated by it ever since. It was good preparation so that when I married my second husband Cliff in 1998 I was well aware of the effects of ADD. The ideas I am sharing with you here are not as a result of my own personal research, but as a result of my experience living with an ADD person since 1998. It is never dull.

Why Does my ADD Husband leave Stores Backwards?

In the last post I said that my ADD husband walks out of stores backwards. Did that get anyone's curiosity? As I continue to share some stories living with ADD and hopefully shed some light on this frustrating mental disorder, I would like to talk some more about distraction. The one store in particular that he has trouble leaving is Staples and I will tell you why in a minute. Last time I explained how the very thing the ADDer craves, distraction , is the very thing that makes their life so difficult (and makes them so annoying!)  It is like they are addicted to distraction . They crave it, they want it, it feels good, it triggers some pleasure button that they want to experience again and again. And, like all addictions, it gets them into trouble.